世の中にある、本、洋服、車、建築などあらゆるモノにはデザイナーがおり人の為にデザインがされています。人々の生活が複雑になり行動が多様化する中で人の為に行うデザインは、社会そのものを対象にする事や、数億人単位の人を対象にし、常に進化を求められるエコシステムをデザインするまで領域が広がりました。 武蔵野美術大学の視覚伝達デザイン学科で行われるトイデザインの授業は美術大学のデザイン教育における新しい領域を拡張する事を目的としています。「あたらしい」おもちゃを作る為にリサーチ、デザイン、ハードウェアのプロトタイプを美術大学の学生が自身で全て行う事で、アイディアをユーザー体験として具現化し、自身の考える「あたらしい」おもちゃのデザインをします。
Books, clothes, cars, architecture, and many other things in the world are designed by designers for people. As people's lives become more complex, designing for people has expanded. We design for society itself, and an ecosystem for hundred million people that requires constant improvement. Toy Design class at Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design aims to expand the new realm of design education at Art Universities. In order to create a "new" toy, students studying design will conduct all the research, design, and hardware prototyping by themselves in order to realize their idea as a user experience and design their own "new" toy.
Books, clothes, cars, architecture, and many other things in the world are designed by designers for people. As people's lives become more complex, designing for people has expanded. We design for society itself, and an ecosystem for hundred million people that requires constant improvement.
Toy Design class at Musashino Art University, Department of Visual Communication Design aims to expand the new realm of design education at Art Universities. In order to create a "new" toy, students studying design will conduct all the research, design, and hardware prototyping by themselves in order to realize their idea as a user experience and design their own "new" toy.